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     Using New Features in v2.0
     This section describes some of the new features in DW Host v2.0.

     o Extended  Comm Port  Specification -  DW Host now  allows you to use
     comm ports  other than  COM1 and  COM2.   If you  specify a  comm port
     greater than 2 on the setup screen (F3), you are prompted for the port
     address and interrupt (IRQ) number.  This technical detail is required
     due to the lack of standardization on COM3 and COM4.

     o No  Password Option  - Some  people are  using DW Host  to front-end
     applications which provide their own  security.  When used with  these
     applications,   the   DW Host   password   entry  requirement  becomes
     redundant.   If you  are using  DW Host v2.0  and delete  the password
     entry on the setup screen, then  as soon as a connect is  established,
     DW Host exits (or invokes the application named on the setup  screen).
     The  caller  sees  no  password  entry  prompt  when  no  password  is
     configured in the setup screen.

     o Modem Activity  Display - As  an aid in  setup trouble-shooting, all
     strings sent to the modem AND all modem responses are displayed on the
     status  screen  adjacent  to  the  new  label  of  "Modem:".    As new
     characters are sent or received from the modem while it is in  command
     state,  they  are  inserted  into  the  display at the right, shifting
     earlier data to the left in order to keep the same length display.

     o F1 or F2 to Quit in Modem Reset Error loop - You may now quit out of
     of DW Host by hitting F1 or F2 when the system is re-cycling due to  a
     modem  reset  error  (earlier  versions  required  hitting the big red

     o Other enhancements  to DW Host include:   a longer  wait for carrier
     detect (allowing some v.32 modems  to achieve a connect); the  initial
     modem init string is sent at  low speed to correct problems with  some
     modems; proper initialization of the comm base locations is  performed
     by DW Host  if the  system's BIOS  has not  done so  according to  the
     installed comm ports found; plus other small bug fixes.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson